Trusted Confidant




UNLOCKING the psychology driving your UNSPOKEN CONVERSATIONS  denying your success, happiness, expansion.





Trusted Confidant


UNLOCKING the psychology driving your UNSPOKEN CONVERSATIONS denying your success, happiness, expansion.

Unlocking the Psychology that drives the feelings of...

Unlocking the Psychology that drives...

The Global Trek to Becoming a Confidant

If you are here, you most likely can feel why, you can't explain or put logic to it.

It's ok, I know that feeling.

For three decades, I have worked across the globe but in one event-filled decade, I worked in border protection, intelligence, and the terrorism sectors, then at home, I lost my wife, my family.

Anxiety, overwhelm, uncertainty and self-identity personally, professionally and globally were daily companions. My only rescue was my obsession in learning the psychology that's driving human behaviour.

For which human? Initially, me. 

I am a trusted confidant, now for over two decades, not through choice, but people in need, approaching me.

Approaches about cancer, loss of a child, fatigue, relationships, confidence, career uncertainty and mental wellbeing.

I never asked for, I never solicited, I never marketed myself as this. Today I do.

If you have the courage, follow the prompts below to explore if we can create a safe place of trust.

"In my 30 years as an accredited psychotherapist, I have met few people who have a psychic-like ability to read and see into people's heart, soul and mind at the speed and depth Stephen can."

- Anne Welsh - 

The Global Trek to Becoming a Confidant

If you are here, you most likely can feel why, you can't explain or put logic to it.

It's ok, I know that feeling.

For three decades, I have worked across the globe but in one event-filled decade, I worked in border protection, intelligence, and the terrorism sectors, then at home, I lost my wife, my family.

Anxiety, overwhelm, uncertainty and self-identity personally, professionally and globally were daily companions. My only rescue was my obsession in learning the psychology that's driving human behaviour.

For which human? Initially, me. 

I am a trusted confidant, now for over two decades, not through choice, but people in need, approaching me.

Approaches about cancer, loss of a child, fatigue, relationships, confidence, career uncertainty and mental wellbeing.

I never asked for, I never solicited, I never marketed myself as this. Today I do.

If you have the courage, follow the prompts below to explore if we can create a safe place of trust.

"In my 30 years as an accredited psychotherapist, I have met few people who have a psychic-like ability to read and see into people's heart, soul and mind at the speed and depth Stephen can."

- Anne Welsh - 

At the core of HumanEXP is the courage to explore.

"For if your life's worth living, it's worth exploring."

TO EXPLORE MEANS: to search through existing, explore new ideas, to traverse for clarity, discovery, and creation of new endeavours.

I invite you to commence our partnership of explored discovery by completing your details below. 

HumanEXP Confidant: formal Non-Disclosure Agreements are mandatory.